Saturday, 6 December 2014

Mariners Nostalgia--all has to come to an end...

It all came to an end in 1975.
I was master on M.V.Chennai Sadhanai- a 42, 000 tonner Bulker on Japan -Australia run and the last year 1974-1975 was quite eventful -but we managed well.
Thanks to a wonderful team of officers and crew.

My wife Sudha was then  sailing with me (in fact since 1972) on ships and  was expecting in 5th month ..not too safe  to sail so had to sign off; mid April 1975 last date-signed off together at Kashima port , Japan and flew back to Madras via Mumbai on AI -707 jet.
Later it was not possible to continue the sea career as Sudha had serious health problems needing treatment  and so I settled ashore in a Port Trust job for a year and then got a post as a Marine Cargo surveyor  with firm of J.B.Boda Marine survey Co. -where I have worked the last 38 years till this ona Administrative Retainer.. 
Sea life and the Shore Life has been .a great varied experience. I am grateful that I had the opportunity to gain all this and also now be able to recall and write about it. I sem to have exhausted all recalls and if this Blog is to go forward it can be only on experiences ashore in shipping as a Marine Cargo Surveyor....

Time flies and  I really miss those sea days- 

Cadet on mv Jag Laxmi 1965
3rd mate on Jag Laxmi

3rd / 2nd mate on Jag Laxmi 1967- 68-

I have been writing for many years and perhaps it is time to close this Blog and when writing I had several things in my mind-viz: 
1) Happy recalls of a different era long before Sea Life came down to just Freights and Tonnes or just plain business only.
2) Life was hard work, but simple.
3) Wages were low, but life was far simpler and more of an adventure and not a business.
4) I hope this blog records of a life lived at Sea will be found of some interest   --
it was definitely much happier way of work, earn, travel & Learn--
5) I sincerely hope that some day hopefully younger persons may some day read this.Thank you God

-I will conclude with a Poem and a Prayer :
by William Henry Davies
What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.

No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep or cows.

No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.

No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars, like skies at night.

No time to turn at Beauty's glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance.

No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began.

A poor life this is if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.

William Henry Davies

God is no stranger in faraway places,
He's as close as the wind that blows on our faces.
It's true we can't see the wind as it blows,
But we feel it around us and our heart surely knows,
That God's mighty hand can be felt every minute.
There is nothing on earth, that God is not in.
The sky and the stars, the waves and even the sea,
The dew on the grass, the leaves on a tree,
Are constant reminders of God and His nearness,
Proclaiming His presence with crystal-like clearness

So how can we think God was far, far away,
When we feel Him beside us every hour of the day?
We have plenty of reasons to know God's our friend
And this is one friendship that time cannot end!

(Author Unknown)


  1. Love your writings very dearly. Lucid and fluid. Full of hopes and positiveness. Grateful to God for bringing me in your contacts. Pranams.

  2. Dear Prasad -Many thanks your kind ack, with my sincere rgds, TR
