Friday, 7 February 2014

Passing ships in the night

Passing ships in the night
In the 1960s- Isolation was felt by most of us on the long sea voyages of abt 35 days across Pacific (US Ports to -India at 12 kts speed)  via Spore-
In Winter it was rough seas being tossed about and in summer it was Fog!!Often no Radar working. The sea and sky -a keen Look out on the Bridge Wing undera Masters watchful eye; that was all--After watch Books alone, were my best companions and work---(or go to Sleep)
Abt 35 days sailing to Bombay with No radio, newspaper (TV Video unheard of then-) was an experience. A very brief stop for refueling of about 8 hrs at Singapore gave a little respite.
A few managed a shore leave -rest on duty on board . This was quite an experience anmf taught us to Learn to accept -Isolation without complaint--
ASa 2nd mate, Passing ships in the night esp 12 midnight-4 am (also called Graveyard watch by early Mariners  ) was something looked forward to by most.  
The chance passing of another Ship on an opposite route or crossing meant a very brief 2mts exchange of Morse Flash lamp  Signals
-later on VHF in 70s." What ship where bound"-and Reply---then Bye ----
Never knew the phrase of Passing ships was from a poem  --
From a poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
 Ships that pass in the night, and speak to each other in passing,
only a signal shown, and a distant voice in the darkness;
So on the ocean of life, we pass and speak one another,
only a look and a voice, then darkness again and a silence.
poem by H.W.Longfellow.

Thinking aloud today:
Applies even now when we meet briefly -and move on in Life.
                                                           Above is a File photo

                             Photo below is of me during training on  Dufferin era-On Aldis Lamp

As Two Ships Passing in the Night
As two ships passing in the night,
So quietly neath the stars soft light;
Our paths cross but now and then.
Reaching out, seeking one another again.

We say hello and then we part,
Knowing we've shared a piece of our heart.
Some friendships stay and sadly some go.
My prayers remain steady hoping ours will grow.

Author: Unknown

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